By Invitation Only - You now have access to the advanced mental game training The following advanced coaching is only open to existing customers of Minding Your Game coaching products. If you're reading this then this applies to you. This coaching IS NOT available to the public. Oh, before you read on take a look at this email I received ffrom a lady who upgraded to the advanced coaching recently... "Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you!! A month ago, I competed in our city amateur championship and was so despondent with my performance, I contemplated giving up completely. I had the shanks, the yips, and the skulls. I hit them thin, I hit them fat. I drove it left and right. I was in tears by the 12th hole. I went from shooting a 76 prior to the tournament, to shooting an 89 in the tournament. Beside meltdown in Webster dictionary is a picture of me! So following the City Championship, I knew I needed to get some help. I googled mental game golf and was introduced to the Minding Your Game coaching package. I saw an immediate improvement following the first 3 sessions (went from shooting mid-80s to breaking 80 regularly) so I invested in the advanced sessions. I listen to one of the audio files on my iPod every day on the drive to the golf course. I¹ve read and re-read the written material and each time glean some new tidbit that helps my mental game. (That tip from Tom Watson about slowing down everything you do prior to a tournament really, really works, although my husband wondered if I was feeling okay :-) Today was the final day of the 3 day Senior Women¹s Provincial Championship and I am proud to announce, I came in 3rd and qualified for the provincial team that will represent the province of Saskatchewan at the Canadian Royale National Senior Women¹s Golf Championship at the end of August. Getting on the team was my goal and I did it!! Furthermore, I had NO meltdowns or huge blow-up holes like many of my competitors. I had a handful of double bogeys but nothing worse. When I goofed and got into trouble I gathered my senses, took my medicine, minimized the damage and recovered well. By following my pre-, post-, and between shot routines, I was able to play effortless and enjoyable, good golf. I have a wondrous sense of accomplishment and a newfound love for the game. Thank-you so much for putting this training program together, I couldn¹t have done it without your guidance. p.s. Oh yeah. I also had a personal best last week (not in the tournament). I shot a 77 from the second set of tees at my home course (Saskatoon Golf & Country Club rating 74.1/134). Pretty good for an old girl. :-)" Best regards, Ann Kirkland Are you ready to step into the Circle of Excellence? |
What's this you ask? |
A close friend of Bob McIver's, (remember Bob...he is Scott Verplank's long time coach and the gentleman who wrote the Foreword to my book) Chip Sullivan, used the Circle of Excellence process in the 2006 PGA Head Golf Professional Championships to ensure he played his best golf under pressure. What happened? He won it all! That's right. He won the 2006 PGA Club Pro Championship and stated using the process of anchoring his peak state was one of the key reasons he won! |
I teach the Circle of Excellence in my advanced training, which you're about to learn... This technique integrates what you've already learned with your current lessons into everything in the advanced training. Now you'll be able to play as calmy and effortlessly as you've dreamed. I do not openly offer this trechnique to the public but you have demonstrated your commitment to your game by being a customer of mine already. You already own Lesson 1 and 2, so when you read below I will be talking about Section/Lessons 3 thru 6 these are the advanced lessons. |
Here's what's inside the advanced training - Lessons 3 thru 6: 4 FULL COACHING Sessions of cutting edge, proprietary mental game training. You get one lesson every 2 weeks for a total of 4 lessons . Video, audio and ebook coaching. Each lesson moves into more advanced techniques and strategies to have you winning more bets and tournaments and shooting the lowest scores you are capable of... Here's what you get in each week's lesson: One Minding Your Game Training eBook with each lesson Section III Finding Your Game, Where You’re Going & How to Get There! Golf doesn’t build character, it reveals it. In this section you’ll explore what you’re truly made of. -
Understand what "Playing Your Game" really means -
Learn how to eliminate anger from your game forever -
You’ll master the art of setting goals that propell you to achieve them with the Powerhouse Goal Achievement process & start setting specific goals to take your game as far as it can go. This process will get you fully connected and committed to reaching all of your goals. | Section IV The End of Nerves, Anxiety & Slumps This section focuses on specific processes and exercises to eliminate these score crippling issues. You’ll also explore what winning really means to you. How do you relate to winning and how does this relationship affect your performance? These powerful insights transform how you look at winning and give you the perspectives that encourage the very best from your game in the critical moments. | Section V The Circle of Excellence – The Ultimate Pre-Shot Routine This is the culmination of Minding Your Game and everything you're learning. The Circle of Excellence will have a tremendous impact on your ability to hit the kinds of shots your dream of. To play the kind of golf you’ve always wanted to play. To perform to your highest capabilities, no matter your current skill level. This technique is so powerful that you compete you'll feel as calm & centered as a Zen monk. You'll have an edge that other golfers will never know about... | Section VI Peak States, The Zone & Shooting the Lowest Scores of Your Life! What is the zone, really? We’ve all heard the term and many of us have experienced it. Yet what if you had a way to consciously walk into your own zone and knew how to set the stage within yourself that allowed this to happen at will? In this section you also get Performance Tracking Sheets that you’ll use to monitor your progress. It will literally be a window into your own development as a player! This is the last lesson in the series and confirms you have completed your training. This is Stage IV - Pure Flow and autopilot golf. | One Video Coaching session with private coaching on the key processes in the book. (this is the exclusive material I use in my clinics and one-on-one sessions with clients) Here's just a peek at what you'll learn in the advanced video lessons: - The Difference between "thinking swing" and "playing golf" - You'll learn to become a scorer, not a swing thinker like most every golfer
- Focus - This one simple key will transform your ability to focus. In fact it is so simple & powerful it will change your game right away...
- The power of letting go and how this is when you actually gain control
- Developing a Pre-Shot Routine that's right for YOU - This is not taught anywhere! Doing it as I teach will shave several strokes off your game. This will take your game to another level. It's the key to going really low...and when you leaqrn how to add the Circle of Excellence to!
- 2 Keys to using your nerves as an assett to your game - You'll learn how you can actually play better with nerves than without them - this will win you more matches than you can imagine!
- Why you must master mental imagery to shoot your lowest scores - you'll get loads of exercises to make sure you do!
- Exactly how to benefit from the full power of your imagination
- The structure of your beliefs and how to design new ones as a phenomenal player - When you understand this you'll be amazed at how easily you'll start shooting lower scores!
- Mental Preparation & Rhythm techniques and their direct influence on your consistency
- Understanding Flow, or the Zone as most people call it, and exactly how to enter yours. This leads into my most powerful proprietary process...
*My secret process only used with my private clients I call the Circle of Excellence - when you learn this technique you will never go back to the old way you used to play. This exercise integrates everything you've learned in each lesson of the course. It is literally the doorway into playing golf efforltessly and on auto-pilot. - Plus much, much more that will completely dial your mind in to a new level and give you all the keys to your own peak performance, no matter how you currently play.
| One Audio Coaching session MP3 - Each session is uniquely designed to get you into your peak golf state and tune your mind to ensure you play the best golf you are capable of. Take a look into the content on the coming audio sessions!
Audio Coaching Session #3 Dissolving First Tee Jitters - Once you learn this powerful process you'll be walking to the first tee as calmly as if you're on the 11th hole, all loose and relaxed! You'll be focused and calm and ready to play regardless of what's happening around you. How many wasted tee shots will this save??? | Audio Coaching Session #4 The Slump Killer - this is my proprietary process that literally eliminates any slump you might find yourself in. Ever have stretch of time when your putting goes south? With this technique you'll actually forget you were in a slump! Your game will return to normal and your score card will look more respectable! | Audio Coaching Session #5 Designing The Perfect Pre-Shot Routine for You - I'll walk you through exactly how to create your own rock solid pre shot routine. But not just "any", one that uses EVERY key process in my course and gets you hitting the best possible shots you are capable of. Shot after shot after shot. If you take the time to use what you learn in this session your scores will improve immediately and over the long term with massive increase in consistency. Guaranteed. | Audio Coaching Session #6 Getting into your "Flow State" the Zone - You'll learn a precise exercise that leads you into your optimal performance state and releases your potential while you play. If you truly want to play to your capabilities there is no quicker and more lasting way than this. This is Stage IV learning - where personal mental mastery lives! | Plus You Also Get This Truly Powerful Bonus! BONUS VIDEO LESSON at the END OF LESSON 6: Taking Your Very Best Driving Range Swings to the Golf Course! I hesitated to include this as I've reswerved this for my Private clients. But I want to provide each and every golfer with all the tools they need to play consistenly solid golf so I'm offering this as a time limited bonus. This bonus lesson is goes into the exact techniques and strategies for taking your very best driving range swings out onto the golf course! This alone is worth the full price of the entire course. Just imagine how much better you'll be playing when you can make swings on the golf course just like when you're hitting pure shots at the range. How many strokes will this save you, especially on the first few holes when you're trying to find your swing?! This is my proprietary strategy and it is sought after by ALL handicap levels. I originally taught this only to top players but it made sense to work with mid and higher handicap players also. After all, who really needs to take their best swing to the course?! I guess a better question is: who doesn't?! Value: $150 - Free | Order Now and Take Your Game to the Next Level! You've completed two coaching lessons and now it's time to move to the advanced lessons and take your mental game to the stage of mastery. - Close the deal when you have a chance to win
- Make that putt that gets you your personal best score
- Hit that crucial shot when the pressure is greatest
- Have buddies buy the beer time and time again!
- Make more cuts and win more tournaments
| Let's review everything you get in the 4 bi-weekly lessons: - 4 Full sessions of Mental Game Training - One lesson every week - Structured so you'll learn as easy as breathing - One section of the Minding Your Game ebook per lesson
- Exclusive Video Coaching where I walk you through how to use these powerful mental game strategies - One video per lesson
- Mental Game Mastery Audio Coaching - each one focused on a specific mental game area critical to getting you playing the very best golf you can play - One audio per lesson
Plus one more incredible bonus! *FREE UPDATES FOR LIFE! Whenever I create a new audio coaching session, or update my book or create a new video session, it's your for FREE. It doesn't get much better than this! *This time sensitive "Act Now" bonus is only good until Friday. You must order before Friday at Midnight to receive the free updates for life. *See the "Act Now" bonuses below and a special price! Two important things for you to keep in mind: 1) You can cancel at any time. 2) No forced, long term agreement required. Order Below! | - Yes, I am ready to use my mind to its full potential and feel that wonderful sense of fulfillment and accomplishment playing my best golf!!
- By ordering now I get access to each bi-weekly mental game lesson for only $37
- I receieve advanced, one-on-one video coaching with Wade in each week's lesson
- I also receive the Mental Mastery Audio Coaching Sessions - one session with each bi-weekly lesson which is mine to keep even if I cancel my lessons
- I understand I also get the "Take Your Best Driving Range Swing to the Golf Course" bonus!
- I understand if I order before midnight Friday I also get FREE updates for life!
100% Money Back Guarantee I personally guarantee that if you put my system to use, you will not only drop strokes off your scores but you'll hit the best shots you've ever hit in your life. And you'll hit them time, after time, after time, after time! In fact, if you do ask me for a refund I will quietly and promptly return every penny you paid. But not for just 30 days...You have 2 full months to decide. I am so convinced you'll be blown away by my entire training program (especially The Circle of Excellence technique) and how low you'll be scoring, that I'm going to do something industry people say is crazy.... I'm giving you a Full 2 Month Guarantee! | You Get A Full 2 Month Guarantee! 
|  Use Minding Your Game, the most comprehensive mental game training course in the world, for a Full 2 Months with absolutely no risk! If your game and your joy hasn't improved massively, or you haven't won MORE bets or tournaments, simply let me know and I will immediately send you a full refund. | | |
Your training is complete when all 4 bi-weekly lessons are done. Review all lessons you've paid for whenever and as often as you want, for no additional cost! Convenient and easy order process. Use any major credit card or your Paypal account Regular $47! /bi-weekly Order before midnight Friday and pay Only *$37 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: I had requests for a weekly lesson plan so by popular demand it has been created. You may have seen a link to it within the ebooks. Go here to access the weekly plan. *To be eligible for the "Free Updates for Life" Bonus your order must be processed before midnight PST on Friday    Your order is guaranteed 100% secured and processed by Trusted ecommerce provider Clickbank |
 Wade Pearse | PS; Remember the Circle of Excellence technique I spoke about earlier? When you exprience this in your game, nerves will be a thing of the past, your focus & confidence will explode, you'll play incredibly well under pressure and your consistency will improve dramatically. This is my key secret that has my clients shooting course records and personal low scores! Isn't it your turn? | Mental Game Technologies | Questions? Contact me personally here | #469 314-32555 London Ave., Mission, BC, Canada | | | | Privacy Policy